Carbon Management
Carbon Literacy Toolkit for Museums – a powerful resource for your museum’s climate action journey – empowering your staff and offering them the skills and confidence needed to take impactful action within your museum.
Carbon Management Toolkit – Creative Carbon Scotland have three spreadsheet based tools to allow you to integrate your emissions recording and planning work.
ClimateHero Carbon Calculator – A quick test to estimate your carbon emissions based on housing, travel and consumption.
Emissions Accounting for Businesses – Guidance on how to calculate your organisation’s carbon footprint.
Environmental Impact Guide for Exhibitions – A free guide by the Design Museum which examines the opportunities for reducing impact across areas including shipping and transport, programming, design and construction, materials, communications and energy use.
Environmental Policy and Action Plans: An Overview – This guide will take you through the process of producing a policy and action plan for your cultural organisation with how-to guides, tips, templates, examples & useful resources.
Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Conversion Factors – These emission conversion factors are for use by UK and international organisations to report on greenhouse gas emissions.
SAIL Carbon Roadmap – Take a look at how Sustainable Arts Leeds are paving the way towards net-zero by 2030. Developed by Julia Bachmann, the net zero roadmap aims to help creative and cultural organisations meet the net zero by 2030 ambitions of the city of Leeds.
Sustainable Procurement : Guidance to the Flexible Framework – The framework is a self assessment mechanism that allows organisations to measure and monitor their progress on sustainable procurement over time.
Sustainable Production Guide – A series of checklists, for each role in the production process, separated into pre-production, production, and post-production.
The Art of Zero – An indicative carbon footprint of global visual arts and the transition to net zero by Julie’s Bicycle.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Glossary of Terms
Energy Efficiency
Become an Energy Champion – Join a team of volunteer Energy Champions across Oxfordshire to provide advice and support to people facing difficulties because of the energy crisis.
Community Building Checklist – Are you running a community building in Oxfordshire? Are you thinking of making improvements to save energy or installing low carbon technologies like solar panels? These tips and resources can help.
Consider Participating in DSR – Demand side response (DSR) is all about intelligent energy use. Through DSR services, businesses and consumers can turn up, turn down, or shift demand in real-time.
Cosy Homes Oxfordshire Plan Builder – Create a refurbishment plan to make your home warmer, reduce your CO₂ emissions and cut your energy bills.
Energy Saving Grants and Advice in Oxfordshire – Directory to advice and grants to help manage the impact of rising energy bills.
Energy Solutions Oxfordshire – An energy efficiency service, to guide businesses in reducing energy costs.
Digital Sustainability
Eco Index – A project helping you to understand the environemental impact of your website.
Green Web Foundation – The internet is the world’s largest coal-powered machine. Check if your website runs on green energy — and help make the internet fossil-free.
Supercool – Creating environmentally responsible websites and digital strategies.
Website Carbon Calculator – Estimate your web page carbon footprint.
Website Energy Efficiency – 20 ways to make your website more energy efficient.
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Green Arts Oxfordshire Network